This course is designed for practice eligible physicians who are preparing for the certification exam of the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

Taking this workshop in no way ensures your exam success.  This is a tutorial session only on the Simulated Office Orals (SOOS).

This course will provide participants with:

  • an overview of the patient-centred clinical method
  • an introduction to the Simulated Office Oral (SOO) component of the exam
  • three practice SOOs with feedback from experienced examiners
  • skills and strategies to use in patient interviews – non-verbal skills and language skills
  • what to do, and what not to do in a Simulated Office Oral

In preparation for the SOOS, please see the SOO demonstration video on the National CFPC website at

On the National CFPC website there are also 28 Sample SOO Scripts to assist in helping you prepare for the exam.

The College believes that physicians who use a patient-centred approach best meet their patients’ needs. The patient-centered clinical method is explained in detail in the book Patient-centered medicine: transforming the clinical method.  3rd ed.   Stewart M,  Brown JB,  Weston W, McWhinney I, McWilliam C,  Freeman T, eds. London:  Radcliffe Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-846-19566-2.

The NL CFPC workshop will start with a presentation on the patient-centred clinical method and the structure of the SOO.  After this presentation, two of our facilitators will do a MOCK SOO for the group to discuss.

Throughout the day, each registrant will have the opportunity to do up to three SOOS (depending on number of registrants), each with a different facilitator. Each SOO will take 15 minutes and there will be 10 minutes allotted for feedback. These SOOS are intended to be a supplementary tool in assisting with preparation for the oral exam.

After all registrants have completed their individual SOOS, the group will meet and the facilitators will do another MOCK SOO for the whole group again.

Wrap up at the end of the day will allow time for more discussion and feedback.



The Newfoundland and Labrador College of Family Physician’s (NLCFP) attempt to offer CME to its members at a reasonable cost and with a financially sustainable model of delivery.

As such, refund of participants’ registration at or near the delivery date of the CME may result in significant financial loss for the NLCFP.

The CME cancellation/refund policy attempts to clearly outline a fair, clear process to address refunds of CME registration.


– CME cancelled by the NLCFP will result in 100% refund of registration fees to all participants.

– Any participant who notifies the NLCFP that they are unable to attend a CME event at least 14 days before the start time of that event will receive 50% refund of their registration fees.

– A participant who notifies the NLCFP that they are unable to attend a CME event within 14 days of the start time of that event, are not eligible to receive a refund of their registration fees. No exceptions.

– All participants will be asked to acknowledge the CME Cancellation Refund Policy at time of registration to a CME event.